The Oakwood Pump Station and CSO Basin Project was recently profiled in the April 20, 2009 edition of Michigan Contractor and Builder:
"A pump station and a 9-million-gallon combined sewer overflow (CSO) basin are being constructed in Southwest Detroit, MI, in order to eliminate sewer overflows during heavy rain events in the area. L. D'Agostini & Sons, Inc./Lakeshore Engineering Services, Inc. Joint Venture is the general contractor. The work is being done for the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD). The $154-million project began in the fall of 2007 and it will be completed in the summer of 2011.
"The combined storm and sanitary sewer water will be pumped from the pump station. The project includes six 72-inch pumps and two 54-inch pumps that discharge the water into 72-inch and 54-inch steel pipes. The water will then be treated and proceed through a series of screens to remove solids. The water is then stored in the CSO basin. As the rain event ends and the water flow is reduced, the water is released into the sewer and sent to the treatment plant. The work is part of a Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) effort to clean the Rouge River.
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"Subcontractors for the project include Barton Malow Concrete, of Oak Park, MI; De-Cal, Inc., of Warren, MI (mechanical); Shaw Electric, of Livonia, MI; and K&S Piling (pile driving). The engineering firm for the project is CDM, of Detroit."